Our Products


    Skintracer® supports you professionally and efficiently in your efforts to detect skin alterations at an early stage. The software records all relevant information concerning your skin and supports you, step by step, in controlling the data.

    An itchy rash, a reddened spot, a wasp sting, a sunburn, a tick bite or a birthmark – visible changes of the skin surface with different causes. Some of them disappear again by themselves. In other cases, however, it is advisable to keep an eye on them or to consult an expert.

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    Skintracer® offers you the following functions:

    Your skin alterations can be recorded on a three-dimensional depiction of the body. Form and colour of a spot can be documented in regular intervals by using macro- and distance pictures. This leads to a complete documentation of each spot and enables you to react to changes at an early stage.

    Three tests integrated 
    Skintracer® has three integrated tests. With the ABCD checks recognized by doctors, the lesions may be easily identified and a risk analysis may be undergone in a few steps. The risk check helps to determine how big the risk of skin cancer is and how often the checks for conspicuous changes in the skin should be carried out. Additionally, Skintracer® offers a reminder function that regularly notifies the user about the need to check for conspicuous lesion again. Finally, based on the third test, the user can determine his/her skin type and choose the best sun protection measures.

    Should you wish an expert opinion, all your skin alteration documentations can be transmitted for a diagnosis to a medical specialist. Convenient and simply with the touch of your finger.



    We are sorry to inform you that we will discontinue the further development of MySwissDRG. The introduction of SwissDRG is now more than 5 years ago and has found its way into everyday life. Therefore we could not find a sponsor to pay for the annual updates. The app can be used further, but limited to the data from previous years.

    MySwissDRG™ is a professional application which enables you to list, analyse and simulate the in-patient services you provide according to Swiss DRG. The target users are medical doctors who can use the application to establish the value of the medical services they provide. 

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    Since the introduction of SwissDRG in 2012, every in-patient medical service is defined in terms of case-mix-points. MySwissDRG™ helps you define the value of your services. By multiplying the case-mix-point with the baserate you can calculate the value in Swiss francs.

    It’s not only heads of departments who are interested in the value of in-patient service provision. Are you not interested in the value of your cases? In the revenue you generate, whether you are a consultant or a senior consultant at your hospital? Are you not interested in what cases are invoiced most frequently by specialists? Whether your patients’ stay at the hospital is above or below the Swiss average and how much money you would generate in a different canton with a different baserate? 

    MySwissDRG™ gives you quick and easy access to the definitions and case numbers of the complete SwissDRG catalogue and allows you to generate an individually configured list of the services you offer. For a more structured analysis of the catalogue, there is detailed information for each DRG including frequent clinical images (diagnosis and procedure), information to additional charges, comparative figures of the SwissDRG Case Mix Office and an intelligent search tool for the complete catalogue. Other functions include the generation of a personal report based on your MyDRG list and the possibility to send the report as an email. By using the “Simulator” function you can test the sensitivity of a number of variables in the tariff system and investigate the effects of e.g. increasing the case number of a particular DRG or lowering the baserate.



    With Castpilot®, we are bringing a new and ground-breaking software onto the market, one which revolutionizes live access to medical information both in and out of the operating theatre.

    Whether vital signs from the surveillance monitor, live pictures of endoscopy screens, X-ray images or live fluoroscopy pictures of the C-arm – with Castpilot® you can transfer these and all further medical information, visible on a monitor, to the desired monitor in the operating theatre.

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    Optimal connections inside and outside the operating theatre

    Picture allocations (Presets) can already be chosen before the operation. They can be altered at any time during the operation without the surgeon having to step away from the patient. For this, a simple touch movement on the iPad is sufficient. Then the desired picture of the input device appears on the chosen monitor immediately. In addition, Castpilot® can be connected externally, to elsewhere inside the hospital or anywhere else in the world for that matter. This enables you to transfer the information e.g. to a congress hall or to consult an expert foreign colleague about his/her opinion. And, of course, the information is transferred in securely encrypted fashion over both internal and external connections.

    User-friendly and precise functioning

    Castpilot® requires the encoder/decoder hardware Rioxo of barox Kommunikation AG for every device attached to the system (e.g. monitor, C-arm). The encoder encodes and compresses the digital signals in order to achieve the highest possible combination of speed of transfer and high data quality. The decoder decodes the data packages.


    AIS Easy Code™

    AIS Easy Code™ provides fast, step-by-step coding and an anatomical map to code injuries according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale© (AIS) and calculates the Injury Severity Score (ISS) of a patient with multiple injuries.

    The current version of AIS Easy Code™ is based on AIS© 2005 Update 2008. The anatomical map (adult or child; male or female), allows you to visualize the injury location and helps you indicate and track the coding of multiple injuries quickly. 

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    The AIS incorporates medical terminology to create an internationally accepted tool for ranking injury severity. It is an anatomically based, consensus derived, global severity scoring system that classifies each injury by body region according to its relative importance on a 6-point ordinal scale. AIS is the recognized basis for the ISS calculation of patients with multiple injuries.  

    AIS is licensed by the Association for Advancement in Automotive Medicine (AAAM). Only registered AIS licensees are authorized AIS Easy Code™ users.

    AIS Easy Code™ was developed in cooperation with AAAM and the University Hospital Basel.



    macrolens™ is a thin lens, which makes the camera of a mobile phone with a flick of the wrist sharp-eyed for very close objects. The temporary sticking macrolens™ enables shooting from a distance as close as three centimeters in any application area, thereby achieving the type of quality required for a professional diagnosis.

    macrolens™ is specifically designed for diagnostic close-up views with Skintracer®. The lens can be used with almost all mobile phones.

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    User manual

    1. Put the macrolens™ on the camera and press it down gently.
    2. Hold the camera about 3-5 cm above the object you want to photograph.
    3. Remove the macrolens™ from the camera after taking pictures.

    macrolens™ can be put on and removed as often as wanted, without leaving any sticky residue. If the adhesive strength slackens, the adhesive surface of the macrolens™ can be cleaned with a little bit of water to ensure full strength.


We have been waiting for your idea

We have a well-established network of specialists to implement them successfully.

This is how we will collaborate

You bring your expertise as a doctor, medicine controller or self-employed worker in the medical field to our project. We will provide the know-how in the fields of project management, engineering, marketing, communication and sales.  We will work out the business plan together.

We will take over the project management from A - Z

When developing an app, the programming is a minor part only. The key factors are attractive design, optimum interaction between users and mobile device, user-friendly text, and a strong distribution network. All this we can offer you.

Take the first step

Do not let your promising plans lie in your desk drawer any longer. Contact us. We look forward to collaborate with you in transforming your idea into a successful app and to position them in the market successfully.


The team behind the products and services.

Michael Kussmaul

Mobile Development
Valnova GmbH

Stefan Wagner

Project Management
User Interface Design

Daniel Wanitsch

Project Management
iBros GmbH

Patrick Schmutz

Marketing & Sales

Katja Muchenberger

AnaConda Textagentur 

Martin Bloch

Product & Interface Design
solidcom GmbH

Serge Reichlin

Healthcare Expert

Who we are

Schmutz Medical GmbH is a Swiss company that was founded in 2008 to provide innovative hardware and software solutions for the telemedical field. The company headquarters is located in Basel. Since its founding, we have had a close partnership network with experienced specialists from different fields.

What we do

The future of health care is digitally connected. Schmutz Medical supports this vision with the development of groundbreaking applications, medical information, images, and clinical expertise linked together intelligently. Our apps for smartphones and tablets convince by their reliability and functional design.

How do we work

Our work is based on close cooperation with medical opinion leaders who allow their expertise to be incorporated into the app. Fun at work, a lively exchange and sincerity towards our partners, clients and suppliers are as important to us as long-term thinking and acting.

Customers & Partners

Since its founding Schmutz Medical works in close partnership with leading companies.


“The MySwissDRG app developed by Schmutz Medical is highly regarded by hospital pharmacists, hospital doctors, and even by internal staff, and was judged to be practical, useful and helpful. Schmutz Medical always processed our requests fast, pragmatical, knowledgeable and with great personal commitment.”

Andreas Fischer

National Hospital Sales Manager

Pfizer AG

“The flash of inspiration which has been kneaded, reflected, developed and clarified, is now nearing maturity. Many thanks for the good teamwork and the excellent results. It's really great fun to collaborate with all of you.”

Andreas Walter

Program Director Master Plan

Bern University Hospital

“The health-care landscape will change significantly. Mobile technology will increasingly determine our lives. In particular, the disruptive require vision, courage and decisive action. For us it is always a pleasure to develop visions together with the Schmutz Medical network and to launch innovative products on the market.”

Martin Bloch

Product & Interface Designer

SolidCom GmbH